COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 • Magnitude/Volume of emissions • Level of influences on emission/removal sources • Access to information and reliability of data • External requirements For each of the criteria a value from 1 to 5 is assigned according to the table below. Level Magnitude/Volume of emissions Level of influence on emission/ removal sources Access to information and data reliability External requirements 1 Magnitude/Volume of emissions is predictably low Weak or non- existent Weak or non-existent No external requirements 2 Magnitude/Volume of emissions is predictably medium Average Existing or possible to estimate, but poor reliability Existence of voluntary external requirements 3 Magnitude/Volume of emissions is predictably high High Existing and highly reliable Existence of external legal requirements Table 1. Exclusion criteria levels for indirect GHG emissions Overall risk Description 1 Negligible indirect GHG emissions 2 Indirect GHG emissions that are minor but for which the organization should make an effort to account for 3 Indirect GHG emissions that should not be excluded Table 2: Overall risk levels according to exclusion criteria The risk is assessed considering the average of the level assigned to each criterion, according to the following formula: Equation 1 : (Magnitude/Volume of emissions + Level of influence on emission/removal sources + Access to information and reliability of data + External requirements)/4 93
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