COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

Environmental Dimension reduction, but COINDU believes that an implemented management system will allow better management and knowledge of the energy profile and consequently the study and adoption of energy reduction and/or efficiency measures. Regarding the electrification of the car fleet, an estimate was made based on the consumption of the replaced vehicles over the course of a year. 5 electrical vehicles were bought and 7 were exchanged/returned. To estimate the reduction in energy consumption, the fuel consumption value of the 5 replaced vehicles was converted into GJ, resulting in 8,368.59 litres of fuel = 307 GJ of estimated fuel consumption in year 2023. The estimated value of the EV’s consumption in a year, esti- mated based on monthly consumption available in the year 2024, is approximately 131 GJ, resulting in a 176 GJ reduction estimate. Reductions in energy requirements of products and services The product produced by COINDU is not energy consuming. COINDU monitors energy indicators, such as the one presented in “Energy intensity” above (kWh/car set), which allows to monitor reductions in energy consumption in the production process. GRI 302-5 90