COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 At COINDU, the salary and benefit policy are defined by professional category, based on seniority, technical knowledge, and general per- formance. At no time is gender or any other personal condition taken into account in the remuneration policy. COINDU complies with all applicable laws and regulations, includ- ing those relating to minimum wages, overtime, and legally bound benefits. Despite COINDU has no formal plans, employees receive a monthly salary above the national minimum wage, with additional fixed remunerations, such as shift allowance, and variable remunera- tion, such as performance bonuses based on quality and productivity, seniority, and attendance. Presently, there is no Collective bargain- ing agreement in place in all COINDU locations. However, COINDU recognizes and supports the principles of freedom of association and right to collective bargaining. In Coindu Mexico we assumed the commitment to provide employ- ees with cash contributions to supplement retirement pensions for retirement, disability, early retirement, and survival pensions. These benefits reflect an increasing percentage according to the number of service years of the employee, applied to the wage table negoti- ated annually. The present value of liabilities for defined benefits is assessed annually through actuarial studies based on the “Projected Unit Credit” method. COINDU does not distinguish full time employees, part-time employ- ees or temporary workers with the same function in matters related to wage and benefits offered. Our goal is to eventually be able to inte- grate temporary and part-time employees into permanent employees. One of our main concerns is the wellness of our employees, providing comfortable facilities, food at a reduced price in the cafeterias, organ- izing different events to celebrate the holidays – making COINDU a great place to work. 79