COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP TYPE SCOPE AEET Associative Partner Tetla Unit The Asociación de Empresas y Empresarios de Tlaxcala (AEET) is a private, non-profit association with 40 years of ex- perience, which aims to protect the interests of the companies they represent. It has been integrated as a business community that manages the formation of business networks, explores self-sustaining options to improve production processes, avant-garde options in human development and also takes close care of occupa- tional health and safety. CANACINTRA The National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (CANACINTRA) is the body that represents the industrial sec- tor in Mexico. Its objective is to promote the competitiveness and productivity of companies, supporting them to keep them- selves constantly updated and become socially responsible innovative agents. Due to its coverage, representativeness and infrastructure, CANACINTRA is the most important cham- ber in all of Latin America. 73