COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

Materiality assessment ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP TYPE SCOPE APPICAPS Associative Partner Joane and Arcos de Valdevez Units Portuguese Association of Footwear, Components, Leather Goods and Substitutes is a national business association, representing the following sectors of activity: footwear; foot- wear components; leather goods; equipment for the afore- mentioned sectors. APICCAPS also has the participation, as contributing members, of companies whose activity is related to the sectors it represents. ACIAB Commercial and Industrial Association of Arcos de Valdevez and Ponte da Barca is an Association oriented towards the development of the regional and national economy and which always supports its members with a view to maintaining a cli- mate of progress. AEP Defend the interests of companies and offer services that en- hance their competitiveness. This is the mission of AEP - Portuguese Business Association, Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Headquartered in Porto, where it was founded in 1849, its statutory purpose is the promotion and defence of business and associative activities. Its intervention with companies through services, designed to meet the needs identified by its technical teams or by listening to the companies it represents, is characterized by its diver- sity, its multisectoral character and its national scope. AFIA AFIA - Portuguese Manufacturers Association for the Automotive Industry MISSION & VISION: • AFIA has been bringing suppliers in the Portuguese automotive industry together since 1966; • Representing the interest of this sector; • Spreading information about the sector and the market; • Organizes meetings for suppliers to exchange information and strengthen relations; • Promotes competitiveness, exports and internationalization of all associated companies; • Encourages actions of potential buyers to develop Portuguese suppliers; • Supports the establishment of foreign investors in Portugal; • Financed, for the most part, by privately funds (Membership fees). 72