COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 STAKEHOLDER GROUP STAKEHOLDER SUBGROUP NEEDS/EXPECTATIONS COLLABORATORS Workers, including: Subcontractors / Temporary Workers / Foreigners (speaking languange other than Portuguese) - Fair Wage; - Safe and Functional Working Environment; - Personal and professional growth; - Respected rights; - Good (better) interpersonal relationships, in particular with immediate superiors; - Have autonomy and freedom; - Social responsibility; - Environmental responsibility; - Efficient use of energy; - Effective communication; - Legal aspects such as social protection Trainees - Safe, healthy and functional working environment; - Have an advisor within the organization; - Training on the work to be done; - Training on Environment, Quality and HSW; - Personal and professional growth; - Have autonomy. Worker’s Family - Workers and family see your rights respected; - Workers to have more time to be with the family. SUPPLIERS Business material suppliers - Fair evaluation; - Timely payments - Ease of handling of nonconformities; - In situations of diversion Implementation of effective corrective actions; - Clarity in the delivery request; - Accomplishment of legal statutory and regulatory requirements; - Compliance with Environmental and Safety Conditions; - Compliance with Sustainability Requirements (Social, Economic, Environmental and Health and Safety): - Safe and healthy conditions for their workers. Nominated Business material suppliers Non-business material suppliers Service providers Transporters SOCIETY Local community - That the company complies with the legal, regulatory, and other requirements - Social, Economic, Environmental and Energetic responsability; - Potential employment for the community. Schools and universities - Internship agreements in the company; - Possibility of working on projects in/with the company; - Possibility of employing students (1st job). Media - Possibility of news about the company, products and/or technologies; - Information to society of company highlighted situations. 69