COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 These codes are provided to employees on the onboarding process. Human Resources explain the documents and the responsibility of each one of us to follow the document guidelines. We guarantee its transversal applicability to the entire organization through the organizational climate monitoring system, Whistleblow- ing Channel and by carrying out meetings between human resources department and operations area in a daily basis. COINDU CONFLICT MINERALS POLICY COINDU is committed to the responsible sourcing of all raw materials and purchased goods and continually review the approach to ethical and sustainable supply chain management. The COINDU CONFLICT MINERALS POLICY was published in Au- gust 2016 and refers specifically to Coindu´s approach to avoiding ‘Conflict Minerals’ entering in its supply chain and supplements the wider supply chain management standards. COINDU policies and codes are permanently available to stakehold- ers in COINDU’s website . They are also communi- cated and explained in training sessions to workers and each area manager is responsible for ensuring the team’s commitment. Besides Code of Business Ethics, and Whistleblowing Channels, COINDU as documented procedure (Treatment of Ethical Misconduct Complaints, dated September, 2023) that provides for the remediation of negative impacts that the organization identifies it has caused or contributed to, and to identify and address grievances, including the grievance mechanisms that the organization has established or participates in. There were no instances or monetary value paid in fines for non- compliance with laws and regulations during the reporting period. 63