COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 CODE OF ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY First published in May 2017, CODE OF ETHICS AND SOCIAL RE- SPONSIBILITY, was last revised in June 2024. COINDU is active in the automotive industry, producing car covers. A strong competitive and differentiating position in the business market, offering the most innovative and comprehensive solutions, as well as a demanding professionalism, where integrity, ethics and manage- ment rigor are the norm, sustained by a standard of conduct for all its Employees, Suppliers, Customers and the surrounding Community, are part of the guiding and basic set of all its actions. Increasingly, the future of organizations and their external recognition will be linked to their ability to operate in the business world, achieving positive results with integrity, integrity, responsibility and within the most absolute and demanding legality. This is our positioning a strong sense of social responsibility and active and permanent concern for our surroundings - Clients, Shareholders, Employees, Suppliers and the Community - doing everything, we can to honor our commitments and meet legitimate expectations. The Code of Ethics & Social Responsibility, which contains the guid- ing principles for our day-to-day professional action, is a fundamental instrument for achieving and keeping us aligned with the position expressed above. These principles are: • General Principles · Legality and Compliance · Statutory Goals · Social Responsibility · Sustainability 61
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