COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
Message from the board As for all companies in the sector, 2023 was another challenging year for COINDU, moving directly from the recovery from pandemic situ- ation in 2020 and 2021 and from the semiconductor shortage crisis in 2021 to a war in Ukraine and a situation of capacity problems due to the increase of volumes, in the short term, of more than 50%. However, the improvement strategy was main- tained throughout 2022 and 2023, which allowed COINDU to improve its competitive position. Ultimately, unlike previous years, which were mainly focused on inter- nal recovery, the improvement in the competitive position, from 2020 on- wards, allowed us to return to market and make quotations for a relevant number of projects inside and outside the existing client portfolio. As part of a responsible Business Strategy, Sustainability is a key topic for the automotive industry in general MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD and for COINDU in particular, since is a major contributor to the global economy and is responsible for a significant amount of environmental impact, in particular greenhouse gas emissions, arising from production and use of vehicles, which contrib- ute to climate change. Additionally, the industry relies on a wide range of raw materials, including metals, plastics, and rubber, which can be expensive and scarce. COINDU is aligning with the industry efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and adopt more sustainable business practices. We are committed to making sure that the components we produce are of high quality and meet the highest standards in the automotive industry, while also reducing the en- vironmental impact of our operations. We have taken steps to reduce our energy consumption, reduce water usage, and increase the efficiency 6
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