COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
Corporate Governance business ethics in the “Code of Conduct Sourcing & Supply Chain”. COINDU Group Code of Conduct Sourcing & Supply Chain defines principles and expectations to COINDU Group Partners and their em- ployees. By signing this document, COINDU Group Partners commit to acting responsibly and to abiding by the principles set out herein. We expect our Partners to ensure that their own suppliers and service providers will also adhere to and abide by the principles of this code of conduct and the standards upon which it is based. In the event that other regulations or laws impose more extensive provisions, these have priority over this code of conduct. COINDU Group will use this code of conduct as part of its supplier selection and evaluation procedures. This Code of Conduct Sourcing & Supply Chain describes, in particu- lar the Ethical, Social, and Environmental commitments expected by COINDU Group, covering a wide range of topics, namely: 1. WORKING CONDITIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS 1.1 Human Rights 1.2 Child Labour and Young Workers 1.3 Fair Wages & Benefits 1.4 Working Hours 1.5 Forced or Compulsory Labour and Human Trafficking 1.6 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 1.7 Health and Safety 1.8 Harassment 1.9 Non-Discrimination and Equal Remuneration 2 BUSINESS ETHICS 2.1 Prevention of Corruption & Integrity - No Corruption, Extortion, Bribery, Fraud and Embezzlement 58
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