COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 • Monitoring and reporting on the company’s sustainability perfor- mance against established targets. • Assessing and managing the environmental, social and govern- ance risks that may arise in the company activities and operations. • Promoting sustainability as the core of organization culture. The Executive Board composition includes the following roles: • CEO (Chief Executive Officer): The highest-ranking executive in the company, responsible for overall strategy and direction. • COO (Chief Operating Officer): Oversees the day-to-day opera- tions of the business. • CFO (Chief Financial Officer): Responsible for financial planning and analysis, as well as financial risk management. • CMO (Chief Marketing Officer): Responsible for the company’s marketing and branding efforts. Besides the Executive Board, COINDU governance structure also includes a Supervisory board and an Executive Committee of directors. These top management executive and non-executive members are composed by 8 men and 1 woman and the knowledge of the business and experience at management level allows making important deci- sions business-wide and managing overall operations for the company. There is a clear remuneration policy for members of the highest govern- ance body and senior executives, that includes fixed pay and variable pay, according to an objective bonus policy. The salary policy is defined according to the job description, responsibilities and impact on the business results, in line with the job market, always ensuring that in the first instance, the values are tabulated by legal requirements, such as the minimum wage. Views of stakeholders (including sharehold- ers) regarding remuneration are sought and taken into consideration 53