COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
Sustainability Vision and Strategy SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth : COIN- DU contributes to this goal by promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. SDG 10 – Reduce Inequality : COINDU contributes to this goal due to its global footprint in 3 continents, by adopting policies, especially wage, and social protec- tion policies, aiming progressively achieving greater equality, as well enhancing the use of enabling tech- nology, in particular information and communications technology, to boost productivity and promote eco- nomic diversification in the countries where it operates. SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Produc- tion : COINDU contributes to this goal by adopting sustainable business practices, such as sustainable procurement, reducing waste and pollution, and de- veloping more sustainable products. SDG 13 – Combat Climate Change : COINDU can contribute to this goal by focusing on reducing green- house gas emissions, including through the promotion of sustainable practices in the energy and transporta- tion, as well as sustainable procurement practices. By working towards the achievement of the SDGs, COINDU can play a role in creating a more sustain- able and equitable future for all. 40
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