COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

COINDU Group Policy SUSTAINABILITY COINDU integrates the fundamental principles of sustainability into its culture, strategy, activities, management acts and in the relation- ship with its employees, suppliers, clients, shareholders and all those who, directly or indirectly, are affected by the organization activities. Our integrated approach to sustainable value creation, by anticipating risk, helps maximizing opportunities and building strong relationships with stakeholders. INFORMATION SECURITY We are committed to protecting the company’s information assets, continuously improving our processes to ensure Privacy, Confidential- ity, Integrity and Availability. CONSISTENCY No matter the volume or the complexity of a project, we always de- liver on time and at the highest quality. Every day for every one of our customers! COINDU stands for efficient workflows at highest expectations on it output. CURIOSITY Today is better than yesterday, tomorrow is better than today –that is what we believe in. Therefore, we steadily search and implement the new to meet the needs of tomorrow. For us and for our customers. Change is today! 32