COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 Our Values RELIABILITY FIRST TIME RIGHT! That`s our COINDU-DNA. If the conditions of a request don`t allow best-in-class output we will consult our customers with a factual, solution oriented, and decisive approach. INTEGRITY We take pride in ourselves and in our customers and in our effort to always face towards success – our success, our customer´s success. We never undermine those values. RESPECT We stand up for our global team, their achievements and their per- formance. We appreciate and reward performance. At the same time, we constantly focus on improving our skills every single day to keep ourselves on track. RESPONSIBILITY We strive to always achieve safe and healthy working environments and to achieve our goal of environmental protection, to meet the demands of the society in which we live: Protect the environment by constantly introducing new sustainable solutions. We demonstrate commitment in supporting the design and procurement of products and services that promote improved energy performance. We also work daily to be fully and socially responsible for all our employees and communities, locally and globally. 31