COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 Employees and Other Workers 92% of Tetla unit employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements and the remaining 8% haves are determined with the protocolization of individual employment contracts. No employees in Joane and Arcos de Valdevez units are covered by collective bargain- ing agreements. Since the end of the collective contract in force, and because the parties involved did not reach a negotiating agreement, the labor code, which is common to the entire country, has been applied. COINDU has other workers that are not employees, like medical people (doctors and nurses) as well as security personnel at each location. These people work daily on our facilities under contracts agreements with service providers companies. GRI 2-7|2-8|2-16 Joane Arcos de Valdevez Tetla 15 6 40 Total: 61 Region Question Gender Total Region Total Female Male Not disclosed Joane Arcos de Valdevez Tetla Report the total number of employees, and a breakdown of this total by gender and by region 3252 1673 0 4925 2427 879 1619 4925 Report the total number of: Permanent employees, and a breakdown by gender and by region; 2709 1351 0 4060 1772 669 1619 4060 Temporary employees, and a breakdown by gender and by region; 543 322 0 865 655 210 0 865 Non-guaranteed hours employees, and a breakdown by gender and by region; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Full-time employees, and a breakdown by gender and by region; 2709 1351 0 4060 1772 669 1619 4060 Part-time employees, and a breakdown by gender and by region; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27
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