COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 Processes GRI 2-6 COINDU Group processes mapping is defined in a Corporate Manage- ment level and applicable to each manufacturing site and is Processes map is based on 3 groups: Management Processes : Management or Leadership where lives the Strategy, Compliance and Data Protection as activities from the process itself. Corporate Controlling process (Corporate Plant Controlling, Corporate Financial Controlling and Corporate Costs), Quality, Environment, Energy (where applicable), Health and Safety Management System (QEHSMS) and VDA-ISA (TISAX) Management System (where applicable) are processes from Management with Crosby Turtles defined. Key Processes : Project Management, Technical Process Manage- ment, Logistics, Sales and Purchase processes and the Manufacturing (Autonomous Production Units (UAP’s) are the key processes with the Crosby Turtle defined. Support Processes : Human Resources, Quality (product/process), Continuous Improvement, Maintenance, Health and Safety at Work and Information Technology are the support processes. 23
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