COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

Conclusion and Future Prospects S1.2 – Reinforce the implementation of code of ethics and social responsibility. S1.3 – Reinforce employee development and recognition. S1.4 – Social responsibility programs with employees and local communities S1.5 – Social Accountability 8000:2014 certification for Portugal, México, and Romania Plants S1.6 – Maintain ISO 45001 certifications for Portugal, México, and Romania Plants S1.7 – Zero ethics violation events S1.8 – Zero accidents rate ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIC INITIATIVE CO2 FOOTPRINT REDUCTION Climate change has been identified as one of the greatest challenges facing nations, governments, business, and citizens over future dec- ades that has implications for both human and natural systems lead- ing to significant changes in resource use, production, and economic activity. In response, Coindu developed initiatives to quantify, monitor, report and remove its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), defining and reporting a Decarbonization Plan within the framework of ISO 14064. STRATEGY FOR CARBON NEUTRALITY BY 2050 Target 1 – by 2050: 80% reduction in Scope 1 emissions Target 2 – by 2030: 80% reduction in Scope 2 emissions Target 3 – by 2050: 90% reduction in Scope 1 + Scope 2 emissions 142