COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 • Automation of sewing operations that are repetitive are repetitive or with no value added or performed by non-qualified operators and that have a higher failure rate. DIGITAL INNOVATION AND TRANSFORMATION With the increasing digital transformation and with the trend for more often and more sophisticated cyberattacks, to the Automotive Indus- try companies, the risks of stopping operations have significantly increased, so in order to prevent and mitigate this risk, COINDU is doing a strong investment on its IT infrastructure to ensure the Busi- ness continuity through: • Business continuity plan in place to ensure an effective response to identified risks and potential threats that threaten the activity, guaranteeing the continuity of services. • Implementation of a contingency plan for security system. • Nomination of a CISO to administrate the information security system. • Development and Implementation of Security Policies. • Periodic internal audits to Information Security System (Self- assessment). • Implementation of TISAX certification according to VDA-ISA. NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT In the long run, COINDU Group has lessened its quantifiable envi- ronmental impact in relation to company expansion. By forming alli- ances with research labs to create methods for recycling used textile 139
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