COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 COINDU develops a set of initiatives not totally related with the topics described above but that are considered of high value by its interested parties, like, for example, employees. During 2023 there were some relevant initiatives and benefits that turned this year in a great year. From a social point of view, COINDU in Portugal collected long-term food items, clothing for children aged 2 to 9, hygiene products for adults and children, with the aim of meeting basic needs, mobilizing and raising awareness among employees for certain social aspects. COINDU provides employees with access to Psychologist services and communicates this initiative, through an informative poster, which contains Psychologist Rita Araújo’s telephone number, as well as her email. This contact is strictly confidential and aims to screen employ- ees needs for possible social support. Below are some examples of informative posters about Social Sup- port provided by COINDU. Other information 131
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