COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs COINDU has a documented and approved procedure for Training Management that defines standard ways to identify training needs and continuously provide proper training to all employees. This training can be Continuous training, Training awareness, On-the-job training and Technical training. A annual training plan is approved and executed every year. The diagnosis of training needs is carried out on a continuous basis by the Training Manager (TM), with the guidance of the HR Manager, using: • Application of a questionnaire survey to process managers, in the first quarter of the year. • Identification of specific training needs identified by managers, supervisors, employees, etc. • Applicable legislation/regulations. • Studies, Statistics related to COINDU activity. Continuous training aims to develop professional and relational skills, with a view to the exercise of professional activity. On-the-job training refers to the training activity that takes place at the person’s workplace, being highly adapted and customised to the reality of their work (Coindu concept is multi-skills). Awareness-raising actions is a short-term ac- tion aimed at arousing interest and motivation for a particular topic or professional area. This training does not presuppose the acquisition of new competences. Annual training plan is prepared to assure the continuing training identified. The Plan is drawn up by the TM and approved by the HR Manager. GRI 404-2 129
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