COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 Work-related ill health Unit Number of fatalities as a result of work-related ill health Number of cases of recordable work-related ill health Main types of work- related ill health Hazards that caused or contributed to cases of ill health Actions taken or underway to eliminate these hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of controls PT - Joane 0 3 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendonitis & Epicondylitis Repetitive motions, exposure to biological, physical and chemical agents Creation of procedures, distribution of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment, workplace gymnastics, adaptation of the workstation to the employee, intervention in the workplace, awareness of health and safety at work and CS at an ergonomic level PT - Arcos 0 8 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendonitis & Epicondylitis Repetitive motions, exposure to biological, physical and chemical agents Creation of procedures, distribution of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment, workplace gymnastics, adaptation of the workstation to the employee, intervention in the workplace, awareness of health and safety at work and CS at an ergonomic level MX - Tetla 0 0 - - - Total 0 11 - - - Employees GRI 403-10 Unit Number of fatalities as a result of work-related ill health Number of cases of recordable work-related ill health Main types of work- related ill health Hazards that caused or contributed to cases of ill health Actions taken or underway to eliminate these hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of controls PT - Joane 0 0 - - - PT - Arcos 0 0 - - - MX - Tetla 0 0 - - - Total 0 0 - - - Workers who are not employees but whose work and/or workplace is controlled by COINDU No workers have been excluded from this disclosure. COINDU has a couple of documented procedure for Incident, non- compliance and corrective action that allows to make and keep records of all cases of ill health. These situations are also recorded and moni- tored within the scope of the occupational health consultations carried out between each employee and the company's doctor. 127
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