COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023

Social Dimension Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety Consultation and participation of employees in occupational safety and health (OSH) matters will take place once a year, in writing according to the annual plan. This consultation will be conducted v online and paper surveys with distribution points located in the units. Addition- ally, in Portugal, consultation and participation of employees in OSH according to the legal requirements will be conducted twice a year, in writing, following the planned. This consultation will also be conducted online and paper surveys with distribution points located in the units. In addition to these surveys, consultation and participation include the following methods: • Face-to-face consultations and participation in training sessions, working groups, meetings, etc. Attendance by HR and OSH technicians. • Occupational health consultations. • Psychology consultations. • OSH technicians’ visits to workplaces. • Suggestion boxes. New employees are introduced to these mechanisms during initial training, emphasizing the importance of consultation and participa- tion (C&P). The C&P process begins in this initial training and is reinforced in ongoing contacts with managers and the OSH team, encouraging employees to actively contribute to the development and implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS). Relevant information about the OSH management system, including consultation and participation topics, is conveyed to employees through: GRI 403-4 116