COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 The main objectives of our Occupational Health Service are as follows: a) Prevention of occupational risks by combating risk factors to ensure working conditions that avoid adverse effects on work- ers’ health. This includes effectively increasing the process of risk identification, assessment, and management, prioritizing risk control at the workplace, preferably at the source, to levels considered acceptable. b) Protection of workers’ health and well-being through early di- agnosis and treatment of work-related illnesses, adequate and continuous health surveillance of workers, increased health promotion, and rehabilitation and social reintegration when necessary. This includes actions such as vaccination, screening, information, training, and individual and collective protection, among others, to prevent the onset or worsening of health is- sues among workers. c) Promotion of healthy work environments that not only provide safe working conditions but also enable workers to achieve high levels of physical, mental, and social comfort and well-being. The work context should offer opportunities for improving individual health and reinforcing healthy lifestyles and practices. d) Increased attention to vulnerable populations in the workplace, including younger and older workers, workers with disabilities, pregnant, postpartum, or lactating workers, and migrant workers. e) Excellence in Occupational Health Services, with particular emphasis on best practices and quality in activities and care provided to workers. These services should ensure an interven- tion that is comprehensive and directed towards the worker as a whole, integrated into the production process, and involving participation from both workers and employers. 115
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