COINDU | Sustainability Report 2023
Environmental Dimension This estimate is obtained by multiplying the amount of kWh consumed by the emission factor of the Portuguese energy mix, used to calculate the Scope 2 location-based method. In absolute terms the emissions from Scope 1 decreased slightly and scope 2 there is a reduction of approximately 45%, compared to the base year. COINDU has the long-term objective of 80% reduction in Scope 1 GHG emissions, comparing to base year emissions (2019) by 2050. This objective is a company-wide target, considering all three COINDU facilities and includes 100% of Scope 1 emission sources. The plan to achieve this target is based on the electrification of the internal fleet and the substitution of stationary sources for more efficient ones and/ or using cleaner fuels. In the reporting year (2023) a 20% of the target was achieved, related to base year. Regarding Scope 2 GHG emissions, the objective is to achieve an 80% reduction in Scope 2 emissions, considering the market-based method, by 2030, comparing to base year emissions (2019). This tar- get includes all scope 2 emissions from all COINDU facilities (Joane, Arcos de Valdevez and Tetla). The plan for achieving the target im- plies the acquisition of green electricity (which started in 2022) and implementation of reduction energy efficiency measures. In the reporting year (2023) a 55,8% of the target was achieved, re- lated to base year. Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS), Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions COINDU does not emit significant amounts of ODS, NOx, SOx or other atmospheric pollutants other than those calculated within the scope GRI 305-6 102
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